Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Death of Abadazad?

I don't know how I missed it, but in September J.M. DeMatteis announced that Hyperion is killing the Abadazad books.

I never thought the hybrid format worked for Abadazad, and the design of those books was pretty unappealing. Here's hoping that it can be resurrected in comics format, because it was one of the best all-ages comics ever.


At February 8, 2008 at 2:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the comic/prose hybrid was interesting. I do think that a full comic would work better. I am sorry to see this dropped. I hope they bring it back in comic format.

I will pick it up for the classroom and review it. I miss the days of CrossGen. They put out fantastic titles! Many of those titles could have been used in the classroom.


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