We had a wonderful time at Comic-Con. We chatted with many of our favorite creators and the girls got lots of sketches. We even got to meet some of our readers, which was awesome! Too bad we had to leave on Friday afternoon -- we really wanted to stick around for Kids' Day on Sunday.
Shelby got Owly as Anung Un Rama (the real Hellboy) and
Sarah got Owly and Wormy as luchadores.
Jill Thompson was so gracious and lovely.
You must all go out and buy a copy of Magic Trixie - it's awesome!
Scott Sava of Blue Dream Studios (Dreamland Chronicles, Pet Robots) has a new publishing deal with IDW and lots of Hollywood stuff in the works.
Here he is with his lovely wife, Donna, and his twin Power Rangers.
More news and tidbits from the Con to come -- after we recover!
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